C3 Choir Fall Auditions

C3 Choir leadership will hold fall auditions for all youth ages 12-19 who are interested in joining the ministry. Auditions will be held on Tuesday October 9th and Thursday October 11th from 5:00pm - 7:30 pm in the C3 Hall. Interested parties must RSVP using this link C3 Youth Auditions in order to audition with your desired day and time. Auditions are 10 minutes per person. Youth can come at any available time between 5:00pm - 7:30pm on 10/9 or 10/11 to audition. Required to audition is an rsvp and 2 minute song choice (accompanied track is encouraged). No experience necessary.

For more information contact Sara Gordon: call 718-306-1059 or email c3choirauditions@gmail.com.