CCC's 2020 Season of Lent (2/26: ASH WEDNESDAY to 2/29: SATURDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY)

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2/26: Ash Wednesday

Oh, Holy and Majestic Father, you who have offered us salvation through the death of your son, and forgiveness through a lifestyle of reflective repentance: Soften our hearts to receive correction,that we, hearing your voice and responding in obedience, might walk in your love for us and the world. We pray in the name God, our Father, Christ our redeemer, and the Spirit, our Counselor, now and forever. Amen.


  1. Isaiah 58:1-12

  2. Psalm 103

  3. 2 Cor. 5:20-6:10

  4. Matthew 6:1-21

2/27: Thursday after Ash Wednesday

O Awesome God, indescribable in Glory, who favors and instructs us, speaking to our hearts so easily led astray:Illuminate our path today. Reveal our hindrances. Help us to release our burdens. Correct us continually, that we might avoid wicked counsel, instead delighting in your law and prospering in all we do.We pray in the name of God our Father, Jesus, our Messiah, and the Holy Spirit, our Counselor, One God, forever. Amen.


  1. Deuteronomy 30:15–20

  2. Psalm 1

  3. Luke 9:18-27

2/28: Friday after Ash Wednesday 

O Lord, our God, who cleanses us from sin, and sustains us in our seeking: lead us in a move of your spirit: Hear our prayers, and use us, Lord, that you might bring forth acts of justice and generosity, and grant us healing and deliverance.We ask this, Father, with the Help of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’s name. Amen.


  1. Isaiah 58:1-8

  2. Psalm 51:1-10

  3. Matthew 9:10-17

2/29: Saturday after Ash Wednesday

O God of Wonders, who invites us to follow and learn of you despite our stubborn pursuit of our own interests over the principle of Sabbath rest:Teach us truth today that we might walk in it. Enlarge our hearts with gratitude that we might grow in grace, remaining humble before you and merciful to others. This we ask in the name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit, one God, co-equal and co-eternal. Amen.


  1. Isaiah 58:9-14

  2. Psalm 86:1-11

  3. Luke 5:27–32