A little girl was watching her Mother prepare Sunday dinner. Being inquisitive she asked, “Momma, why are you cutting the ends off of the ham?” Her Mother answered and said, “I don’t know, it’s what my Mother always did.”
So the little girl decided to ask her Grandmother. “Grandmother, I saw Momma cutting the ends of the ham off and she said it’s what you always did. So Grandma I’m just curious, why did you cut the ends off of the ham?” Her Grandmother answered and said, “Well I don’t know, it’s what my Mother always did.”
So this young lady continued to seek out understanding and decided to talk with her Great-Grandmother about the situation. She goes to her Great-Grandmother and says, “Great Grand Momma, I saw Momma and Grand Momma cut the ends off of the ham, they have directed me to you. Why did you cut the ends off of the ham?” Her Great-Grandmother answered her and said, “Well I don’t know why they do it, but I did it because the ham wouldn’t fit in the pot.”
Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down.
And you do many things like that.” Mark 7:13 NIV
What blessings are being nullified in your life because of repeating what you have seen others do without the full understanding of why? Answer that question and therein might be the solution to some of your challenges of life.
Be Blessed!