Know It! Don't Ignore It!

Post by Carla Nelson

Post by Carla Nelson

Know what you say!  Don't ignore what you are asking!  God's voice is my answer!

I believe knowing God’s voice for yourself can truly be the difference between life and death. 

When I look at my life I can reflect on many instances when God was speaking to me and I ignored what He was saying.  One particular incident resulted in me being attacked.  I knew within myself that I should not go to this event, yet I ignored that still sweet voice.  As some people would say, my first mind; or my gut instincts or something told me.  Well for me, that something told me is God!  I didn’t understand back then, but now I do.

In times past, I’ve made other decisions opposite from what I was hearing, that also resulted in some painful results that were hard to or could not be reversed.  Not to mention the time it took to recover.  My, my, and there is one thing about it, once the effects of a decision start to unfold, it's like a roller coaster ride, you can't get off until the operator stops the cycle. You can scream all you want, but that ride is not over till it's over; to teach you a lesson.

I now know that God’s voice is gentle and comes quickly.  It is not fearful, that’s how I used to get confused.  But now I know if fear comes, that’s not God.  It’s a distraction sent from the enemy.  I know that I have to subject my flesh to God as I start my day to walk in the spirit and not the flesh.  Continually praying throughout the day to not mess up, because it is easy to mess up and the enemy is just waiting to trip us up.  What you don’t understand, he comes quickly to steal away so you won’t succeed.  (Luke 8:11-12)

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

I Peter 5:8 NLT 

A perfect example occurred during The Oscars this year.  We as people usually change because of how our hearts are impacted by experiences in our lives.  This year there was a moment when the hearts of people were being changed.  There were many teary eyes present and in the twinkling of an eye, the enemy quickly jumped in with a distraction to interrupt those transformations.  So for those who didn't understand what was taking place the experience was aborted.

But it’s ok, we are human, we will mess up and God is so merciful, He sets things back on course for us every time.  A delay is not a denial.  God speaks to us in different ways.  He is going to speak to you based on how He created you.  I am visual, so one of the ways He speaks to me is via dreams. 

We are supposed to know His voice.  God’s position is to speak, our position is to listen, know His voice without a shadow of a doubt and act upon what He says. So to you I ask, do you know His voice?  Are you ignoring it?  This could be the difference in your life.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.