God Was With Me When. . .

Post by Carla Nelson

Post by Carla Nelson

When we decided to share this series, I had to stop for a minute and say, wow which time do I share? Do I talk about the time as a kid, when a salesman came to our door and by God's guidance, I placed my what 4 year old hand on the door knob, gently pushed it in and locked the door. Not knowing that a few moments later this man would reach to open the door to enter our home against our will, but consequently find it locked. Oh yeah, God was with me and my Mother then.

Do I share the experience of being bullied while in the seventh grade, and having my lunch money taken. How I was afraid to tell anyone, but by God's grace my Mother found out and resolved the situation. Yep God was with me then. I was scared to go to school.

Then I thought about the time during college when I was working two jobs, living off campus, exhausted from going to school, work and back to school. I went to sleep with a pot of cabbage on the stove and woke up to a house filled with smoke. Oh yeah, He was with me then. My house was filled with smoke and the pot was brunt so badly the cabbage was embedded into the fibers of the pot. Yeah, God was with me then.

Or do I share an excruciating time in my life, when I had to legally authorize having a dear loved one mentally institutionalized, in order to ensure proper care so they could stop roaming the streets. Definitely God was with me then. That was a horrendous moment in both of our lives.

Okay so then I said, let's talk about the 7-year stretch in my life that was a roller coaster of highs and lows. Truly I know that God was with me then, because I didn't know how I was going to survive. There were times when all I could do was sit on my couch and just hold my Bible. I remember one particular incident, facing foreclosure and repossession, health challenges, family trouble and going from job to job. Pure misery! But He would always provide a way. I had mailed a payment to my mortgage company, then the bank told me that I had to turn my car in. The bank representative had mercy and said ok you can turn it in Monday, it was a Friday evening. I had kept in touch with the banker so she allowed me to keep the car over the weekend. Uum huum, God on the scene! So I decided that ok I'll file bankruptcy, this is the only way. Doing so, I can protect my assets until I can get back on top and clear all this mess up. Well low and behold, the mortgage company wouldn't accept the payment because they wanted all back payments at once, so they returned the mortgage payment. That returned mortgage payment was enough to make a car payment and keep my car without filing bankruptcy and hold the bank off until I could do better. Dear Jesus! Later I was able to sell my condo before foreclosure with a gain from the equity. Hum, you and nobody else can't tell me God wasn't with me then. 

I was going to stop there. But then, something occurred that I had to share as well. For years I have worn contacts and have only gotten the annual contact lens exam to adjust my prescription. You know run in, run out and keep it moving. This year I knew I needed to have a full eye exam with dilation conducted. For some reason there was a challenge at the optometrist office and I was unable to have the exam conducted the day of my initial visit. So I as normal got the contact lens exam, but I by God's grace continued to pursue the full exam and returned at a later date. My God, my doctor discovered a, well, yeah a small tumor so to speak inside of my eye area. Immediately the look on her face told me what she thought, cancer. Throughout this time of waiting to see other doctors, and the poking and prodding in my eyes, the dizziness, eye discomfort and nausea as a result, He kept me calm. He kept me going. He helped me even make new strides in my life by stepping even more so out of my shell. He kept me sane and did not allow me to panic. When I called my insurance carrier to discuss my coverage, I was informed that I had been referred to a top rated doctor who was in our network. The doctor I was referred to, advised me that she did not even know how the referring physician, located this object being in such and inconspicuous place. I see God all over this situation, He is here with me and I know it. I know it because having hands put in my eyes in the way I experienced in these past few days; um He had to be here, that's all I can say. To God be the Glory, the third doctor, again a top rated doctor, delivered the confirmation that I did not have cancer and that he did not (as he said with assured confidence in his voice from the depths of his bowels) expect that it would turn into anything more. Then he proceeded to share the factual evidence of why it would not. My God is with me! Hallelujah!

I could share many more testimonial situations, but we would be here all day. Just know that God is with you, at all times. Be encouraged my friend!

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

As I shared with others the day of my diagnosis, I would like to share with you this prayer, because I realize someone else did not receive the same message.

My prayer for you is that you have the right doctors providing you or your loved one with care, and that complete healing be manifested with no return of the disease to you or anyone in your blood line in Jesus' name. 

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #9

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish. 

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip #9: Develop or rediscover at least one daily positive practice. For example, reading your bible early in the morning before the start of your day or just before you retire at night. You could maybe begin to journal, create a vision board, join a new organization, give a different person, per day, a genuine compliment, attend a networking event, discover a new hobby, or volunteer at your church. When you engage in new and positive ventures, you meet new and exciting people and expose yourself to new ideas and ways of life. This opens new doors for employment, relationship building, re-igniting a healthy self-esteem, etc. “And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.” Titus 2:7 NLT

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #8

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT 

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish. 

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip # 8: Take care of your body. Go get a massage, manicure, pedicure (men can enjoy these things also), jog, go for a brisk walk, join the gym or a community dance class. Take time to rejuvenate. There are some expensive as well as low-cost and free ways to replenish. Since our mind, body, and soul are connected we must remember that our lives are holistic so we cannot just focus on one area and neglect other areas.  Additionally, working out adjusts our moods and increases our chances of being happier, “Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” 3 John 1:2 NLT 

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #7

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish.

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip # 7: Goal setting & accomplishing. Set and take action in effort to work toward the accomplishing of new goals or re-activating tossed to the side goals. Once we put this into motion, we give ourselves a reason to wake up and look forward to making a difference in our lives.  Imagine the euphoria when we succeed at accomplishing one goal! This now fuels the energy needed to continue our work on the next, “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:14 ESV

Jesus Was With Me When...

Post by Darlene Aiken

Post by Darlene Aiken

Jesus was with me when I woke up on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 and I jumped into the shower and prayed like I always do. However, this prayer was different. This time it was weighing heavily upon my heart to pray for world peace. As usual I jumped out of the shower and prepared my son and myself so that we could begin our day, which started at 5am every weekday. After meeting up with my dear friend, we dropped our children off to school, she and I caught the train into our offices into NYC, mine being across from the major post office. While we were on the train a man jumped onto the train with tattered clothing ranting at the top of his lungs about people jumping out of windows. We looked at him, looked at each other and continued laughing & talking. We were in NYC, we experience this type of behavior everyday. She gets off one stop before me, however, this morning, she kisses me on the cheek and says she loves me. She's never done nor said that before, but it was well received. I love you too, sis was my response.

I get off at the next stop, which is 34th Street, and I see a massive grouping of individuals standing around an electronic ticker. I cannot see what is going on so I go across the street to my office and the receptionist asked me if I heard the news. I stated that I had not. She said that an airplane ran into one of the twin towers. I, without thinking, go into my office to turn on my computer and it will not load. I try to access information via the radio, no reception. Next thing I know, we're told that another plane has hit the second tower and they believe it is intentional. Just then my phone rings and it is my father. He's excited and tells me to leave work, but I told him that I was not able because they hadn't released us yet. Simultaneously, the phone goes dead and I hear that there are threats that the post office across from Penn Station is in danger of being bombed. It is at that time we're told to go home. However, all bridges, tunnels, mass transportation, and everything are closed. There's no way off the island of Manhattan and my son is in Brooklyn. I cannot even speak to him to let him know I'm ok. The cell phones are not operating, the telephone lines are down, we are trapped. Everyone is now on the same level regardless of race, social, economic, or any other status. I see peace amidst the craziness.

I see New Yorkers helping others. I hear New Yorkers saying nice things.

I walk outside and there is total pandemonium. There is absolutely no one to turn to. It is at that moment I feel all alone and hopeless. I began to weep in an uncontrollable manner. Will I ever see my family again? Is this the end of my life? What will happen to my child? Are all of my affairs in order? So many concerns swarm through my brain. I forget all aboutPhilippians 4:6 (NLT) don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Just then I feel a tap on my shoulder and I heard a voice but also felt engulfed by this comforting presence. I was then asked, “Have you forgotten whom you serve? I am here for you and I will see you through this, just do as I say.” It was at that point that the tears and worry ceased.

The voice told me to walk down the street and stop in the store on my right hand side and purchase a pair of socks and sneakers. I did. I put them on. When I was done I was directed to continue straight until I came to 2nd Ave. I would see a line of people talking on the pay phone, but do not stand on the line to wait as it will no longer be working once it was my turn. I didn't listen. I saw the people talking and reaching loved ones, surely I could make a quick call to let my son's school know I was ok and I could call my son's father and ask him to pick our son up, oh! And call my parents so they would not worry. I'd be quick. I promised! So I waited. I even gave someone a quarter and they made a call and was successful in getting through. We all cried when we heard their loved ones on the other end yelling that they were ok. People were helping each other in NYC. Finally, it was my turn and I felt all-alone again and the loneliness became more intense once the phone call would not go through. I tried again and again. Neither time would the calls go through. I sobbed and sobbed and felt so lonely and burdened. What was I going to do? GOD!!! Where are you?

I felt the presence again. I was told to walk straight down 2nd Avenue and stop in the church on the left hand side. Sit down and pray until I tell you to stop. I did. When I was told to get up, I did. I was told to walk across the Manhattan Bridge. I said, "God! All of the bridges are closed!" God told me that it would be opened by the time I reached. Sure enough the bridge was opened and I was able to walk across. He said at the bottom take the water offered on the right hand side. I did. He said go into the hair salon named Skillz and ask to use the restroom. I did. He said walk to the juice shop, get something to drink and sit down until I tell you to get up. I did. When He told me to walk, I did. I said, "God, I want to go get my son." He said, no, go get your car first. I went to go to get my car, just then I saw a lady walking down the street with a radio blaring her music. I remember feeling annoyed, but before I could really allow those feelings to manifest, I looked in her direction what did I see! My son and his dad! All I could do was scream their names! My son came running over to me with a big hug and smile. I broke down in uncontrollable tears as we embraced! I held him so tightly never wanting to let go. He patted my back asking what was wrong. He hadn't a clue. His small voice kept saying, mommy don't cry. He would interchange the mommy don't cry statement with the question to his dad, "daddy, why is mommy crying?" Finally, his dad peeled me off of our son, helped us into the car and drove off. I didn't even remember the drive.

God had positioned me for this. He even knew to incorporate my disobedience. He never left me, but I left Him when I didn't listen and He patiently waited for me. When I wanted to just do it my way, I left Him and He didn't force me back because He knew I could not do it without Him.

Jesus was with me every step of the way that day and all days. His Word says in Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT) Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” I am a living witness that He is not a man that He shall lie. That day changed my walk in Christ forever. That day is the day that I first experienced Jesus in a different manner. The day Jesus was with me.

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #6

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT 

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish.

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip # 6: Re-evaluate relationships. Are you currently engaged in relationships that weigh you down? Do you talk to and interact with people who are only happy when you're experiencing hardship? Are your conversations with those that you keep company with mostly ungodly and negative? If you've answered "yes" to at least one of these questions, then you need to re-evaluate your course of action and execute the new plan immediately. However, keep in mind that it makes no sense to rid yourself of these negative people if you're still going to continue to be one of them. It may not be an easy task, but a very necessary one.  You must first begin with the renewing of your mind and thought process, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 ESV

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #5

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT 

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish.

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip #5: Appreciation. Practice appreciating what God has given you regardless of what you are experiencing.  Stop comparing your circumstances to others.  Every day, write down at least one thing that you are grateful for. I will even give you the first one: you woke up today and now have the ability to reverse some negative things that you do not like, “sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.  Sing to the Lord, bless His name; proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.  Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.” Psalms 96:1-9

Shake It Off and Step Up!

Post by Carla Nelson

Post by Carla Nelson

I think we all can attest to the fact that there is so much going on in the world today.  We all have our own challenges we are facing.  Yet we must not let these things gets us down.  So I would like to share something with you that has inspired me many times.

I have often heard that people drowning actually drown because they panic and fight the current, not realizing that if they stay calm they will float to the top and survive.  With this in mind, I want to share a short story with you. . .

There was a bull, let’s say his name was Ike, who fell into a well.  He was desperately trying to get out by yelling for assistance.  Someone came by, threw a pile of dirt in (which silenced his cries) and kept going.  Another person came by, his cries for assistance continued, yet again no one heard him as a humongous pile of dirt was thrown in.  Again, another passerby, no one hears his cries and an even larger heap of dirt was thrown into the well.  So he was sharing the story with other bulls and one bull asked him, “Well Ike how did you get out?”  Ike stated, “Well you see I stopped yelling for people to get me out, I realized if dirt was going to continue to be thrown in, I might as well use it to my advantage.  Every time a pile of dirt was thrown in on me, I shook that dirt off, used it to build an embankment, stepped up onto it and stepped up out of that situation.

You see my friend you can use your situation as an opportunity to advance.  Ask God to enlighten your eyes to the solution.


A set back is nothing more than a set up for a comeback!

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #4

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT 

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish. 

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip #4: Get more rest. In today's fast-paced society where everything was needed yesterday, we need to take a moment to just go to bed early, wake up late, or simply just get in eight-hours of  rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is the optimal in that our bodies are really at rest. To have a better opportunity at achieving REM sleep try soaking in a tub of hot water, put clean linens on your bed, slip into your favorite comfortable pajamas, put your feet up, pull up the covers, make your room dark, pop in a spa CD on low, you may even put on some sleep blinders, and rest. This is guaranteed to change your mood from negative to positive. I dare you to try it!!! “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:2

Know It! Don't Ignore It!

Post by Carla Nelson

Post by Carla Nelson

Know what you say!  Don't ignore what you are asking!  God's voice is my answer!

I believe knowing God’s voice for yourself can truly be the difference between life and death. 

When I look at my life I can reflect on many instances when God was speaking to me and I ignored what He was saying.  One particular incident resulted in me being attacked.  I knew within myself that I should not go to this event, yet I ignored that still sweet voice.  As some people would say, my first mind; or my gut instincts or something told me.  Well for me, that something told me is God!  I didn’t understand back then, but now I do.

In times past, I’ve made other decisions opposite from what I was hearing, that also resulted in some painful results that were hard to or could not be reversed.  Not to mention the time it took to recover.  My, my, and there is one thing about it, once the effects of a decision start to unfold, it's like a roller coaster ride, you can't get off until the operator stops the cycle. You can scream all you want, but that ride is not over till it's over; to teach you a lesson.

I now know that God’s voice is gentle and comes quickly.  It is not fearful, that’s how I used to get confused.  But now I know if fear comes, that’s not God.  It’s a distraction sent from the enemy.  I know that I have to subject my flesh to God as I start my day to walk in the spirit and not the flesh.  Continually praying throughout the day to not mess up, because it is easy to mess up and the enemy is just waiting to trip us up.  What you don’t understand, he comes quickly to steal away so you won’t succeed.  (Luke 8:11-12)

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

I Peter 5:8 NLT 

A perfect example occurred during The Oscars this year.  We as people usually change because of how our hearts are impacted by experiences in our lives.  This year there was a moment when the hearts of people were being changed.  There were many teary eyes present and in the twinkling of an eye, the enemy quickly jumped in with a distraction to interrupt those transformations.  So for those who didn't understand what was taking place the experience was aborted.

But it’s ok, we are human, we will mess up and God is so merciful, He sets things back on course for us every time.  A delay is not a denial.  God speaks to us in different ways.  He is going to speak to you based on how He created you.  I am visual, so one of the ways He speaks to me is via dreams. 

We are supposed to know His voice.  God’s position is to speak, our position is to listen, know His voice without a shadow of a doubt and act upon what He says. So to you I ask, do you know His voice?  Are you ignoring it?  This could be the difference in your life.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #3

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT  

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish.

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip #3: Take a moment to assess your diet. Are you indulging in all of the wrong kinds of foods? Are you not eating full course meals, rather picking up sweets, fast food, sodas, cookies, and other junk food on the go to the next meeting or event? Are you not making time to sit down and enjoy a healthy meal? If you've answered "yes" you're doing yourself a huge disservice. You cannot be effective in God's kingdom if you're not healthy. You are also not setting a good example for non-Christians, your family members, and others. You’ve also skipped over Tip #4.  “And God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit.  You shall have them for food.” Genesis 1:29.

Forgiveness in the Midst of the Storm

Post by Nicole Hall

Post by Nicole Hall

When you are in the center of a storm, when you have been hurt or have been betrayed, forgiveness isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, but it should be. Forgiveness is a choice no matter how you feel. Today, I don’t feel like forgiving. I would rather ask, “Why was this done to me. Why was I disrespected? Why did you reject me? I want to know why after all that came to pass, I should forgive at all.” That’s what I want to ask but that’s based on how I feel today. Tomorrow I may feel different. I’m not sure. But what I am sure about is the infallible Word of God that keeps my head above water, keeps my feet planted on rock and keeps me seated in heavenly places.

There are days when the hurt and pain of the situations we endure will rise like a wave, and at its height, seem to be frozen in time and space, leaving you unable to move, think or blink. So why forgiveness now? The center of the storm is the place to surrender yourself to the Lord because He will provide you peace that surpasses your understanding. The enemy is always tugging at your wounds trying to flood your mind with thoughts of the past, what you could have done and how you should have handled it. The Bible says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him, Isaiah 59:19 (KJV). You have to rebuke the enemy and replay the last thing that God said to you in order to make it through. Unless you surrender it all to the Lord, you will not be able to endure the pain, anger or other emotions that block you from considering forgiveness as an option.  Jesus said, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you don’t forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:14-15 (KJV). So what does that mean? 

I had to go back to what I knew about the God that I claimed to serve. He was the same God that sent His only Son to carry the weight of humanity’s sin and die so that we might have life. I wanted to be forgiven for my own sins. My sin was no worse than anyone else’s, even the person who had betrayed me. Man puts a value on sin, but to God, sin is sin. God calls us to walk in love. I asked the Lord why He had me in this position of love-giving when I could barely move. I didn’t feel like forgiving that day. I had a difficult time understanding why after being so betrayed, I was supposed to show love.Colossians 3:12 (NLT) says “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” I realized that I serve a God who answers my questions right away when I search the scripture for His thoughts and who chose me for a task that no one else could handle. He loved me enough to know I would, in my humanity, say, “Yes God.” 

At the time of the betrayal, I didn’t even have the words to express my state of being. But God stirs up the sea with his power and by His understanding He breaks up the storm, Job 26:12 (NKJV). I knew that meant I didn’t have to be in this state forever. I found that “walking in love” seemed to be the fast track to forgiveness. By no means am I saying that you will get over something and be free, healed and delivered quickly. It’s a process that God takes you through. What I am saying is that when you are obedient to God’s Word and understand His unconditional love for you, He will heal you and enable you to keep moving forward. Psalm 147:3 (NKJV) says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. “ Withhold nothing and forgive. God will turn it around.

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #2

By Darlene Aiken

By Darlene Aiken

What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT  

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John 6:1-14 when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish.

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip #2: Set aside family time and stick to it.  It's ironic how we think that we have all of this time. The reality is we all come with expiration dates. However, unlike milk and other perishables, our expiration dates are not stamped anywhere. Every day we are really in existence by God's grace. In fact, every second, we are here by His grace.  I am of the mindset that we expedite our expiration when we fail to appreciate those who love and nurture us by spending time with family. Family is not necessarily the traditional mother, father, sister, brother. For some it might consist of uncle, aunt, close family friend who raised you, adoptive parent, or a grandparent, “but if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." 1 Timothy 5:8 KJV

Walking By Faith - 10 Tips for Activating Your Faith - Tip #1

By Darlene Aiken 

By Darlene Aiken


What is faith? Refer to Hebrews 11

When we lack faith, we subscribe to a mentality that believes in scarcity. Scarcity is totally the opposite of who God is and what He's about.  In addition, when God talks about abundance, His abundance is not like our abundance. Just for starters, let’s think about whatever we imagine abundance being and multiply it by 100 trillion just for starters. That may seem overwhelming, but we should be overwhelmed with comfort and joy.  Can you imagine having 100 trillion choices every time you need to make a decision? In addition to having to make the decision amongst 100 trillion choices, whichever one you select will turn out to be righteous and awesome! I can see that you’re smiling already!!! Well, we have that and more at the bending of our knees.  All we have to do is ask and have faith that it will be done. I’ve had people ask me, “Why would God grant you anything that you want?” My response was because when we become in tune with God, we only want those things that He wants for us.  Since we have faith that He only wants what’s best for us, when His answer is no, then we become content with that response, “so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11 NLT  

When we operate from the standpoint of abundance then we do not fear that there isn't enough for equal distribution, rather everyone will have an opportunity and perhaps have leftovers as well. Since we are having a discussion with regard to abundance, please keep in mind the story in the book of John (6:1-14) when Jesus fed about five thousand men with the little boy’s five loaves and two fish.

How do we consistently activate our faith? I have prepared 10 tips to assist you with your faith walk. 

Tip #1: pray every day and several times per day. Always find something to give God thanks for. The possession of a thankful heart moves you closer to God and thus He moves closer to you, “draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” James 4:8 NASB. Also, you can't pray and worry simultaneously, so when you pray you're not worrying and if you're worrying you're not praying “never worry about anything. Instead, in every situation let your petitions be made known to God through prayers and requests, with thanksgiving.” Philippians 4:6 ISV Since worry cannot and will not ever solve any problem, you might as well pray and watch the Holy Father intercede on your behalf. As a result, you learn to depend on Him for EVERYTHING and not just when you're in crisis.  In fact, when this becomes your way of life, you will begin to experience less and less emotional about crisis situations.  You also come to realize that you don't need to be in control, because when you were, you messed it up with depression, misconceptions, thoughts of suicide, indulging in lack/scarcity, wrong and unhealthy relationships, overworking and not rejuvenation, poor health, bad sleeping habits, horrible eating patterns,  and other ills that did not serve you well. We're waiting on The Lord and The Lord is waiting on us. He's waiting on us to move out of His way and let Him do what He does best. How terrible will you feel if everything you longed for and then some was already waiting for you, but you never had the opportunity to experience it because you were so busy worrying, trying to be in control that YOU blocked your own blessings? We must learn not to be our own worst enemy, move out of the way, consistently give it to God, and constantly work toward pleasing Him, “dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts.” 1 John 5:21 NLT. If you want the good life, go chase it. If the God life is what you seek, then stop what you're doing, drop to your knees, and ask God for it...He's waiting on YOU!!!

One for me, one for you!

Post by Darlene Aiken

Post by Darlene Aiken

When I was a child, my father used to say that God may not show up when you want, but He's always right on time. I didn't understand that, at all. I especially struggled with this because I had asked for a record player for the longest and it was as if no one heard me. Finally, one day while outside, I remember walking down the block and one of those little see through fluffy flowers that we called wishes flew my way. Older cousins told me that when those came by, you were supposed to catch it, cup it in your hand, close your eyes, and make a wish. That day I did, but this time when I closed my eyes to make a wish, I included God. I knew it was time to go to the big guy! The record player did not come immediately, but once we moved to a house and I had my own room, with it came a record player. It did not come when I asked for it, but when I finally did receive it, it was right on time!

God is all knowing. So, He knows when we're to have the desires of our heart. He also knows when he has to allow us to endure certain experiences so that we may have a change of heart. He allows us to have whatever we ask for as long as we ask in the name of Jesus (John 14:14) because by the time it gets to the point where He makes good on our requests, they're in line with what He'd have for us. 

Therefore, there isn't a need for us to covet what others have, (Exodus 20:17 MSG Don’t set your heart on anything that is your neighbor’s.). What's right for others may not be right for us, or at least not at the same time. We must be patient and not make requests based on what we see others possess. Do we always know what others have sacrificed to bear the burden of their possessions? 

We need to be more trusting and focused instead of the reverse. Remember, we're to walk by faith, spirit, and Word, not by sight, sense, and circumstance. (2 Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight). When we are in line with God's plan for our lives, we will come to realize that God has already ordered our steps and laid out our gifts that He wants to shower us with at the perfect time. No one is ever short changed by God, however, because He gives us free will, we can possibly delay the operation and make it seem as if He provides others with the desires of their heart and has some how forgotten about us. Get out of your own way! Stop trying to always be in control! Stop striving for perfection! Does that mean we should just sit down and wait on the Lord? No, it means that while we're waiting we should be productive, not obstructive and realize that God has one for me and one for you! No one is left out!

Do You Believe You Can Have It?

Post by Carla Nelson

Post by Carla Nelson

Whatever you are believing God for, or whatever desire lies within your heart that has not manifested.  My question to you today is, do you believe you can have it?  Do you really, I mean really without a shadow of a doubt believe you can have it? 

I present this question because recently I was reviewing an area in my life and talking to God about why I had not been able to accomplish this goal.  Then the memory of the conversation between Oprah Winfrey and Iyanla Vanzant came to my mind.  During this well remembered passionate session as I remember it, Iyanla experienced a breakthrough.  She had a revelation and realized that she didn’t believe she could have it, the success of her own show on such a grand scheme.  She experienced fear, even though God said she could have it, she had not fully embraced that she could have it without any doubt or fear.  I remember her saying she was asking why?  Not a question you ask if you are in absolute belief that the thing you want is yours.  She wasn’t saying – ok God, I’m ready to walk into this blessing that you have for me and then embrace it.  Nope, she was asking why.  A sure fire sign of doubt!

I realized that the same was true for me.  I hadn’t walked into this blessing because I didn’t fully believe that I could have it.  I had fear in my heart, which rendered the opposite results of what I truly wanted. 

In looking at past accomplishments, I didn’t succeed by walking in fear.  There was no doubt about where I was going.  I was on a mission and I moved in peace and confidence that was embedded in my soul.  That GUT feeling of YES IT IS MINE, that I call unshakable faith.  If it came high water or no water at all, I believed whatever it was, was in fact MINE!

In Matthew 8:13, this scripture tells us “as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.”  You see that’s what happened to Job, he stated the thing he greatly feared had come upon him.

What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true.

Job 3:25 NLT

So it was for Job, so it was for me, what I believed happened – I didn’t manifest my desire. I could identify, just as Iyanla.  Yet never to fear, there is hope, after Job conquered his fear he ended up with more than he had before.  The latter was greater than the beginning, so I’ll faint not and persevere, this time to receive my blessing.

So the Lord blessed Job in the second half
of his life even more than in the beginning.

Job 42:12 NLT

I’m thankful for this experience, because through it I learned whatever belief is more powerful will rule.  So is there something you are believing God for that you haven’t received?  If so, my question to you is Do You Believe You Can Have It?  So be it unto you. . .

Then Jesus said to the centurion, ‘Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.’ And his servant was healed at that moment.

Where are you taking God?

Post by Darlene Aiken

Post by Darlene Aiken

Scripture says that God will never leave nor abandon us, Deuteronomy 31:8.  The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  Since He is not a man that He shall lie, this should present a great level of comfort in knowing that there is an entity that is more than capable of protecting us and is with us all of the time. That is more comforting than when we were younger and had that older sibling or cousin who always had your back, in times of trouble.

However, having God's kind of protection helps to keep us on our toes, as it should consistently make us mindful of where we take God. What types of situations, relationships, atmospheres, etc. are we thinking before we speak? Are we thinking before we act? Are we thinking before we interact?

God said He will never leave nor forsake us! That means we need to consistently remind ourselves that He is always present with us. In His presence we should consistently ask ourselves the questions; if Jesus were to come back right now, would He find me in good standing? Would He be pleased with my actions RIGHT NOW? Would He be pleased with my words RIGHT NOW? Would He be pleased with my interactions RIGHT NOW? Would He be pleased with my thoughts RIGHT NOW? Literally, STOP in our tracks RIGHT NOW and ask one of the aforementioned questions. If we cannot answer with a strong yes, we need to stop and reconsider.  1 John 5:21 - Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts.

Remember, we cannot serve two gods. This is why when we're about to do something that we're unsure of we hear a small voice that tells us not to continue.  When we go forward anyway, we leave the protection that God has for us, but we take Him into an unsavory place. Just imagine how much it hurts Him to see all of the goodness that He has for us and then to witness us choosing the opposite. We may choose the opposite out of fear, which He tells us not to indulge in fear,Philippians 4:6 - Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Maybe we choose the opposite of what He has for us out of ignorance. This is why the Word tells us to seek God's wisdom.  The Word says in Ecclesiastes 7:12 - wisdom is a shelter. We must keep in mind that Wisdom is synonymous with God.

I implore us all to not wait until He returns to want to do right. Let’s not think that we will wait until we are "ready" before we start to do right. The Word says in 2 Peter 3:10 - But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Let us watch where we are taking God. Let us walk everyday as if we were walking with The Lord holding His hand. Oh! How different we'd all behave.

Dear God, What Am I that You Art Mindful?

Post by Carla Nelson

Post by Carla Nelson

Have you ever pondered this question?  Just wondered what it is about you that would cause God to care so much for you?  What it is about you that would cause Him to surrender His child to die a grueling public death, so that you might be saved? 

In Psalm 8:4-8 the Chief Musician is marveling at God’s creations.  The sun, the moon, the stars, and then he stops and realizes just how beautiful and breathtaking these creations are.   He just marvels at what possibly went into creating such things.  The sky is endless, no matter where we go, whether it be to Europe, Chicago, or the Bahamas the sky doesn’t end.  It blankets the entire earth without fail.  Then you look at the factor that God thought enough of us and trusted us to set us in charge of each of these incredible creations that profit us all.  So I, as the psalmist had to stop and marvel, as one of the creations and say whoooa what am I, that God Almighty is so mindful? Then it hit me - I am His child.  I am His flesh.  I am His creation.

When I think of how my organs function so intricately, and how He encased them in this body that I use to walk upon the earth, and how He gave me the greatest computer ever - my mind.  I say, my, my, God what am I that you are mindful?  Then again I realize, wow God I was created out of your image, literally (Genesis 1:27).  I realize, I am a part of the race of the greatest clones ever made and I can never, never be duplicated.  And I am here to partner with God as an Ambassador of Heaven placed into service to do His works upon the earth.

You see, it is revealed in Exodus 33 when God talks with Moses.

20 But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live.
21 The Lord continued, “Look, stand near me on this rock.
22 As my glorious presence passes by, I will hide you in the crevice of
the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.
23 Then I will remove my hand and let you see me from behind. But my face will not be seen.

Exodus 33:20-23 NLT

We are literally His children, His replicas.  We come from the greatest seed ever – God himself.  There is no, nor will there ever be a creation greater than us.  If we would only just realize and embrace this factor, we could do as God intended – rule the world (Psalm 8:4-8).

He put us in charge, gave us dominion over the works of His hands.  He knows what He put in us and has to watch us to make sure we don’t hurt ourselves and disrupt this place called earth.  That’s why He gave the angels charge to watch us (Psalm 91:11).  He knows if our heart isn’t in the right place we could get caught up in our own power and be like Satan trying to reign out of the order of God.  We would be like the people at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-11), trying to get to heaven before our time and not complete the work to be done down here.  In verse 6, we see mention that nothing the people set out to do would be impossible for them because of their unity, so God confused their language.

In the movie John “Q”, the Father played by Denzel Washington, is literally willing to take his own life to spare the life of his child.  That child came from his loins, that child represents him, that child is his flesh.  That child is his seed that he brought to the earth, and he would take his own life to give him the very organ he needs to survive.  All just to ensure that his child’s life isn’t cut short so that he has a fair chance to be all he can be.  It’s the same for God.  Jesus – says he laid his life down, no one took it, he laid it down for us (John 10:18).  That is why God is so mindful of us, because we are literally his seed.  It doesn’t get any greater than that!

5-9 God didn’t put angels in charge of this business of salvation that we’re dealing with here. It says in Scripture, What is man and woman that you bother with them; why take a second look their way? You made them not quite as high as angels, bright with Eden’s dawn light; Then you put them in charge of your entire handcrafted world. When God put them in charge of everything, nothing was excluded. But we don’t see it yet, don’t see everything under human jurisdiction. What we do see is Jesus, made “not quite as high as angels,” and then, through the experience of death, crowned so much higher than any angel, with a glory “bright with Eden’s dawn light.” In that death, by God’s grace, he fully experienced death in every person’s place.

Succeeding in College

Post by Darlene Aiken

Post by Darlene Aiken

Many college students believe that the way to succeed in college is by attending class daily, studying, and taking tests. While the aforementioned are some helpful tips and have proven to work for some. What many college students do not seem to know is that an important method of learning and really absorbing what you are learning from living an everyday experience. What exactly does this mean? 

As a college educator, I regularly, implore my students to keep in mind, if they leave college the same way in which they’ve entered, they have wasted time and money. While money is reimbursable, time is a non-refundable and a non-interchangeable gift. Time is to be used wisely. Time is the only commodity that we cannot borrow against, loan, have wait for us, add to, subtract from, nor dictate to according to our personal needs and desires. Time does not care about your race, religion, lack of religion, economic status, health status, date of birth, personal beliefs, political beliefs, etc.

Therefore, to assist in making classes more palatable, students can begin by making new friends. Does this mean that you must dismiss your old friends? In some instances, yes. In yesteryear when students went off to college, they vowed to keep in touch with high school classmates, however, usually after the first semester, those friendships died down as new friends took their place along with new interests, and growth. This did not mean that there was dissention. However, it meant that life was being lived. Sometimes reconnections took place later in life, sometimes, that was not the case. However, in the age of social media, young people are stunting their growth by continuing contacts with those that they need to grow apart from. As a result, the chances of forming new friendships are being stifled because they are attempting to keep what they knew in the past in the present. As a result, they are feeling lonely, resisting new positive developments, and embracing feelings of being ostracized as a result of lacking communication skills. This then spills over into the academics.

We all have talents, gifts, and abilities, so when we meet new people in college from across the country and world, we are exposing ourselves to opportunities to learn outside of the classroom as well as teach others about who we are. When we engage in new positive possibilities, it assists with our academic growth. 

College is different than high school in that students are encouraged to participate more than they did in high school so that they may be groomed into professional men and women who are expected to function at a higher level post college. It does not mean that they are groomed to think they are better than those without a college education, but the thought process is to expect more for them to bring to the table, especially in their area of specialty. 

Education is more than a textbook experience. In fact, Paulo Freire states that, “there are two types of knowledge, unconscious, sometimes practical knowledge and critical, reflective or theory knowledge. Beliefs are shaped into knowledge by discussion and critical reflection. ‘In the first moment, that of the experience of and in daily living, my conscious self is exposing itself to facts, to deeds, without, nevertheless, asking itself about them without looking for their ‘reason for being.’ ‘I repeat that the knowing because there also is knowing that a result from these involvements is that made from pure experience. In the second moment, in which our minds work epistemologically, the methodological rigor with which we come closer to the object, having ‘distanced ourselves’ from it, that is, having objecfied it, offers us another kind of knowing, a knowing whose exactitude gives to the investigator or the thinking subject a margin of security that does not exist in the first kind of knowing, that of common sense.’”

In other words, college students, free your minds and bodies to learn outside of the classroom, allowing yourselves to really procure more from your college experience. You will find rewards not only in your ability to compete in the job market, but you will also enhance your communication ability which permits you to open up to a better quality of life.

Where is God?

Post by Darlene Aiken

Post by Darlene Aiken

I’ve had many conversations where believers and non-believers, alike, are asking the question, “Where is God?” They wonder why would He allow all of this stuff to happen to His people if He really cared. While no one has all of the answers.   What I implore us all to do is remember the following:   

First, Matthew 13:24-30 NLT, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew. The farmer’s workers went to him and said, ‘Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?’ ‘An enemy has done this!’ the farmer exclaimed.’ ‘Should we pull out the weeds?’ they asked. ‘No, he replied, you’ll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.’” 

It is incumbent upon us as Christians to be in the world, but not of the world. Which translates to believers living amongst unbelievers. While living together, unbelievers are going to present things and circumstances that can be convincing if we do not study our Word and move closer to God. God stated that He would never leave nor forsake us; therefore, in times of loneliness, in times of disbelief, in times of despair, we need to move closer to God and His Word for comfort. He will speak to us and guide us. There will be times when He will speak and we may find ourselves in a situation all by ourselves, but we must bear in mind that when we have God on our side, we have the majority.

As Christians we must also remember that there is no man, woman, nor child that can help us get into nor stay out of the Kingdom.  Therefore, our strength, wisdom, or anything else should not come from man, but from God. Remember, we walk by Faith, Spirit, and Word, not by sight, sense, and circumstances. When we keep that in mind that should be a great relief, in spite of what the world says. When we remember that God is not a man that He should lie, we will find comfort in knowing that whatever man plans regardless of his worldly powers, his worldly riches, worldly connections, etc. God is Omniscient, Omnipresent, & Omnipotent. 

Second, what should empower us is remembering Romans 14:11 NLT, “As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will confess and give praise to God.” Again, since God is not a man that He should lie, we as Christians should find comfort in knowing that as long as we believe and move closer to God, all will be well and we will never again have to ask the question, “Where is God?”