Post by Carla Nelson
Years ago I sang in the choir at church and I remember one of the songs having a chorus that went something like this. . . I don't have to worry cuuuuz, I'm never alone.
Song by Walter Hawkins I think. I don't know the rest of the words I just remember that main line and sometimes sing just that part to myself. Because it reminds me of the goodness of my Father and that He is always with me. He is right here just waiting for me to seek Him and His guidance for even the smallest endeavors. Ok, no I’m not fanatical, I don’t bother God for stuff I can do. After all we are supposed to be able to walk on our own, but we are supposed to be dependent upon Him for which way to walk, how and why; for the purpose in all things and launch out with His guidance. Yet there are times when I might have misplaced something in my house and am unable to see just where it is. Yes I call on my Father and “say, ok God please show me where those keys are” or whatever it may be and He does. Say what ya want, I know He knows where the item is and sure nuff, because I depend on and seek Him for it, He guides me to what I’m looking for. That’s my God!
So it is for something so small, so it should be for my everyday life. So this is what I aim to do. Do I mess up along this journey of life, of course I’m human. But the point is, if I just slow down and rely on Him for His ultimate guidance I alleviate so much stress and pain and most definitely save time. And we know time cannot be recouped. Simply put, if I rely on Him more I won't mess up so much! I mess up when I don’t listen or seek Him and allow my flesh to lead.
Then when I read Psalm 139 that brings it all home for me.
“I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
8 If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there.
9 If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.”
Right now this particularly resonates with me as I begin to focus on projects that are so much bigger than me and I have no idea how I’m going to pull them off but by His guidance. As Dr. Bernard teaches us about capacity it is such perfect timing. Because my mind has to be able to embrace what God is pouring into me and the fact that I am a conduit by which what He pours must flow through. I need my Father to pull these things off and it starts with my belief in Him and what He can do through me. So I am then reminded of His word where He tells me that He won’t leave me nor forsake me.
“So be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid and do not panic before them.
For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you.
He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
So when I read or meditate upon this scripture I embrace the reality that twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days (366 days in leap year) a year God Almighty!, My Father!, Our Father!, has got my back and guess what! What applies for me, applies for YOU! Be encouraged my friend! In whatever stage of life you are in, He is right there with you, ready to assist you in any and every way.