Post by Darlene Aiken
One Saturday I was leisurely talking to a longtime friend on the phone. We laughed and talked about some of everything under the sun. As we were about to get off the phone she asked me about the outcome of an event that my son was scheduled to attend the night before. I told her that the event did not occur because of a mix up in communication. I also explained how upset my son was because he, who usually does not get hyped about things, had in fact, gotten hyped about this particular event. My heart went out to him, however I reminded him about the importance of waiting on the Lord, while continuing to work hard to defend his dream.
At that time, my friend stated that in her religion they believe that Christ is a title and not specific to Jesus. So, in other words Christ is in all of us. I assured her that Christianity done right, believes the same thing. I then went on to state that once we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, is when we reap the guaranteed benefits, as membership has its privileges.
She hesitated and stated that that's the difference with her church and religion that they do not have to wait to accept their Christ to reap his benefits. It was at that point we agreed to end the discussion and hang up the phone. No one was upset, but it was time to get on with our day. I also had already made up in my mind that I know what I believe and that's not going to alter so there's no need for this discussion. I also had made up in my mind that my actions are to speak louder than my words...even more so now than ever, so I was good with terminating the call.
Later as I was in the shower, which usually serves as one of my prayer closets, I heard God's voice speak to me. He reminded me that we never wait on Him either. He waits on us. He waits on us because love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 NIV. God is love and love is God and to try to separate the two is like trying to separate a wave from water. So, I felt so good in being reminded of who waited on who!